
Necrobiotic - A Dystopian TTRPG

Created by Penny for a Tale

The dead walk among us. It was we who put them back on their feet. This is Necrobiotic

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Necrobiotic Kickstarter Party
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 03, 2021 at 07:43:42 PM


We are having an appreciation shindig at No Land Beyond in Baltimore, MD on June 9th 6pm EST.

For those who are nearby we encourage you to stop by and try some of the special cocktails. We will be doing a few raffles for special items and a special spoken word performance by Meccamorphosis!

Facebook Event Details!

Meccamorphosis is an author, actress,  teaching artist and poet. Mecca first garnished national attention after winning Brave New Voices,  the largest international youth poetry slam in the world.  Since then Mecca has won many awards and received many honors including becoming a poet ambassador for Baltimore City and being ranked 4th slam poet in the world 2019. Mecca spends her time traveling the country performing, teaching and building upon the intersection of activism and art.  Mecca is an incredible voice for Black women everywhere.

Hope to see you there!

Mitchell Wallace

Almost there!!!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 03, 2021 at 06:45:44 AM


We are so excited for another stretch goal that has been unlocked! Bridgett Jeffries will be writing an amazing one-shot for us! We still have more to go and remember in order for us to redo our stretch goal structure so we can hit them all we need more RTs and posts!

Help us get to 200 RTs!!!

We also want to point your attention to this amazing Kickstarter happening now!

Graywalkers Purgatory Tabletop RPG (5E & Weavemaster) by Wyldekarde's World — Kickstarter

Love that dark vibe 

Furthermore, for those who backed at just the digital level you can add on the digital Necrobiotic Soundtrack now! 

Good day from the Citadel!

Mitchell Wallace, Project Lead

9 Days left & Important Announcements
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 02, 2021 at 04:24:01 AM


We have 9 days left and it has been such a wonderful journey. We still have a ways to go and much to accomplish to make this the best book ever.

Necrobiotic Soundtrack

You heard it here first. For those getting physical copies, we will be giving away a digital soundtrack along with your digital stretch goals at no additional cost. Something nice and enchantingly dark for you to listen to while you and your players walk the streets of Florence. 

Stretch Goals Re-Mastered

We are super excited to be hitting more of our stretch goals. In order to keep the momentum, we are asking people to post on FB and to RT on Twitter the following post.

If we get 200 RTs before Saturday we will be lowering the stretch goal costs so we can get some of those amazing stretch goals like the construct template and the new Joker/archetype! 

Necrobiotic Special Edition

Previews of it are coming and I can't stress how amazing they are. We aren't just giving you the logo in foil on a leather-bound book, but a new interpretation of the cover. Something that you will be able to show off to your friends. This is a KS exclusive item! 

Go forth citizens of Florence!

Almost there! Stretch Goal #4, shipping, and another one shot!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 28, 2021 at 12:02:36 PM


We are almost to our next stretch goal writer! Let's make sure we hit that mark before the weekend begins!

For those who are interested, we are also working on producing a soundtrack for Necrobiotic! We will have some samples and details next week!

We will also be updating the Quickstart soon with the Engineer joker. It's gonna be a fun time for those steam heads here. 

We are also making it easier and cheaper for those in Europe to get a copy of the game. We will be shipping from Italy for those copies! We will have specific details concerning it the following week as well!

We are doing a special one shot of Necrobiotic tonight as well! Make sure you come and watch!

Have a great weekend!


Stretch Goal #3!!!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, May 26, 2021 at 04:03:17 PM

Evening Citizens,

We have achieved and broke through stretch goal #3! Emily Earhart will be providing an amazing one-shot for people to explore!

Our next stretch goal is...

Stretch Goal 4: $35,000

Adventure Writer - Sarah Davis - Missing Pieces

The owners of a farm outside the walls of Florence have had multiple occasions of their constructs vanishing in the night without a trace. In their worst imaginations, their constructs are suddenly going rogue but then, each time, the construct has returned and continued their duties as though they never left. The players are hired to discreetly learn what’s going on with their constructs and deal with it if it is worth concern before the farm must make a report at the end of the month. They have their reputation to consider, after all.

Let's make sure to knock this out too! We also have a lovely preview of the Engineer joker which will be added to the QS post-KS!

Make sure to spread the love so we can continue to add more! What are you most excited about unlocking?
